Cochlear Implant

Home Cochlear Implant

Shravan Kendra has a dedicated Cochlear Implant Clinic for deaf children and adults. A cochlear implant can be a life-changing treatment for people who have hearing loss. We have experienced and qualified Audiologists in Faridabad that provide excellent service with excellent care.

What is a Cochlear Implant?

Today who suffer from mild to moderate hearing loss, hearing aids have become a viable solution for improving the problem of hearing for many people. The cochlear implant system is for people who can't hear well enough to benefit from hearing aids. A bionic ear is a cochlear implant. Rather than sending sound to your ear like a hearing aid, the cochlear implant electronically stimulates your inner ear nerves to send sound directly to your nerves.

Cochlear implants are the only technology that can restore one of the five senses to full functionality. Unlike hearing aids, which amplify sound, these electrical devices bypass the damaged area of the inner ear, allowing the user to hear it clearly. Cochlear implant recipients can hear clearly in a noisy setting, appreciate music, and reconnect with friends and family.

Benefits of Cochlear Implant

A cochlear implant is a small, sophisticated electronic device that can provide sound sensation to someone who is profoundly deaf or hard of hearing. Shravan Kendra offers the Best Cochlear Implant Services in the standard of care and treatment for both children and adults.

  • Improvement in Hearing

Cochlear implants can help your child’s hearing and speech perception.  Lip reading and sign language can still be used by people with cochlear implants to improve speech perception and communication.

  • Speech & Language Development

Cochlear implants help children improve their speech clarity as well as their listening and spoken language abilities in the future. Parents can take numerous actions to help their children with cochlear implants to get the best possible results.

  • Better Learning & Career Opportunities

With the use of assistive technology, children with cochlear implants can hear better in the classroom. Children may benefit from CIs as they get older, as they may open doors to new job prospects.

  • Safety

The capacity to hear potential risks or alerts such as sirens and other essential sounds is one of the most obvious advantages of a cochlear implant.

Shravan Kendra- Best Cochlear Implant Services

Cochlear implants may help people with severe hearing loss who are no longer helped by hearing aids. Cochlear implants can help them communicate better and live better lives. Learning to understand the signals received from a cochlear implant takes time and practice. Mostly persons with cochlear implants improve their speech understanding significantly after a year of use. Shravan Kendra Audiologist helps you to gain your hearing power with excellent care.

Opening Hours

Monday – Saturday 8.00 – 18.00
Sunday 8.00 – 14.00

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    Quick Contact

    • Address 5E, 68, nr. Gurudwara Gujarat Train, New Industrial Twp 5, New Industrial Town, Faridabad, Haryana 121001
    • Phone 89-2016-2017

    Let Us Take Care Of You!

    Shravan Kendra improves the quality of life for clients and their families by delivering superior, professional, and customized services as well as affordable hearing aids.